Spam control:
In debate exists "spam control". Because this page is created in czech webcreator, spamcontrol is in czech language. Don't worry, if you don't know czech language and want to write there something, WE WILL HELP YOU!
You will be asked to answer 1 example. It will contain [number] +/- [word] = [youranswer]
For example:
50 + six = _____
you will write "56"
But the "six" is here in czech, so just look here and translate it:
"nula" = zero (0)
"jedna" = one (1)
"dva" = two (2)
"tři" = three (3)
"čtyři" = four (4)
"pět" = five (5)
"šest" = six (6)
"sedm" = seven (7)
"osm" = eight (8)
"devět" = nine (9)